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Information for InsureandGo policyholders regarding the current Emergency situation in Thailand.

With the escalated civil and political unrest in Bangkok and its neighbouring provinces in Thailand, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has advised to “Exercise a high degree of caution” for travel in, to or through Thailand in general.

On Thursday the 22nd 05/2014, 8pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, the Thailand military announced they had taken control of the Thailand government following the imposition of martial law on 20 05/2014.

Furthermore, the DFAT has specifically advised against travel to Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla.

InsureandGo Australia is not able to cover any claims relating to military coups. However we do aim to accommodate our customers and to assist in any unforeseeable events that 05/occur before and during their trip. Therefore we will take all reasonable measures to help our customers during this time.

Please be advised that:

  • Existing policy holders already in Thailand 

You are covered under all sections of their policy for any claim not relating to martial law or the on-going military situation.

Should you become ill or, depending on which level of cover you have, if your property is damaged or stolen please be assured that your claim will still be assessed as per standard practice.

If you can’t make your flight back home or if your flight is delayed or cancelled because of the military situation, we 05/extend your policy until you can return. This is evaluated on a case by case basis – please contact our Emergency Assistance helpline, available 24/7 on +612 9333 3999.

  • Existing policy holders still in Australia

We will offer a refund on any premium you’ve already paid for a Travel Insurance Policy. We cannot however offer any coverage for any claims that 05/arise – our General Exclusions are applicable to all sections of cover whether it be a Bare Essentials, Silver or Gold level policy.

Please note Page. 14 in our Policy Disclosure Statement, General Exclusions 3 and 6. –

3. Any claim relating to an incident which you were aware of at the time you took out this insurance and which could reasonably be expected to lead to a claim.

6. Any claim arising out of war, civil war, invasion, insurrection, revolution, use of or threatened use of military power, usurpation of government or military power.

We cannot currently sell policies for travel to Thailand between 22/05/14 – 30/06/14

  • For travel to Thailand anytime after 07/1st, 2014

Please be advised that should you be making arrangements for a trip to Thailand after 07/1st 2014, InsureAndGo will offer you your required travel insurance. Should the current situation not improve, we will offer you a refund on your travel insurance policy. To clarify, we will offer a full refund on any premium paid however we will not be covering any claims that 05/arise regarding cancellation or under any additional section on the policy.

Our advice

Should you decide to travel to Thailand during the military coup to Thailand, please be mindful that although we will process claims not related to the military coup as usual, it is a volatile situation that 05/change without notice. This 05/limit our usual ability to offer you assistance in the event of a claim, although we will offer assistance as best we can.

If you anticipate making a claim, please keep all paperwork relating to the situation such as any receipts, invoices and any incident and/or medical reports that 05/be available. Our claims department is open 24 hours 7 days a week and can be reached on +612 9333 3999. If it’s easier for you to do so, please feel free to contact them via email on

Should you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Service and Support team on 1300 401 177. You 05/also visit where one of our representatives will be happy to speak with you about any issues you 05/have.