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Don’t worry, this isn’t a post purely about Harry Potter (though we did sneak in point #8!). But around the world, would you believe that there are actually a handful of museums dedicated to the magical craft?

1. Magicum – Berlin, Germany

Heading to Berlin? Magicum lies in the heart of the city in an old blacksmith’s building (very cool). A trip here will take you through various exhibitions ranging from magic ancient times to the modern day, and touching on different cultures and magical beliefs. You can even have your own go at a few magical puzzles! Magicum is open every day until 8pm and entry is €7.50 for adults, €5 for kids.

2. American Museum of Magic – Michigan, U.S.

Thrilling visitors since 1978, the American Museum of Magic is the biggest magical museum in the U.S. It houses a vast collection of magicians’ items, including magical apparatuses, showbills, magicians’ scrapbooks and even diaries. Props used by Harry Blackstone, Harry Houdini and Howard Thurston can all be found here. Adult entry will cost you just US$5.

3. Museo dei Tarocchi – Riola, Italy

If you’ve ever been fascinated by tarot cards, this is the museum for you! The Museo dei Tarocchi (or Museum of Tarots) is all about the beautiful artwork behind tarot cards and the history of tarot magic. If you’re here in autumn 2017, you can also partake in the Tarot Art & History Tour of Italy.

4. Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft – Hólmavík, Iceland

Iceland is probably the last place in the world you’d expect to come across a magic museum, but here it is! The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft is a throwback to the gruesome sorcery practices that took place in medieval times – and the key exhibit is the skin of a man from the waist down, known as the necropants (eww!). You’ll find the Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft on the northeast coast, with entry costing 950KR (around AUD$10).

5. International Museum and Library of the Conjuring Arts – Las Vegas, U.S.

Ever wondered how David Copperfield pulled off all those magic stunts? Well, you sure won’t find out here! The International Museum and Library of the Conjuring Arts is Copperfield’s baby and features over 80,000 props and items from the world of magic – including Houdini’s famous water torture chamber. Unfortunately, this place is not open to the public and is made available for research purposes only. Sorry, folks!

6. The Magic Circle Museum – London, U.K.   

The Magic Circle Society was created back in 1905 by illusionists and magicians who had high dreams of protecting the secrets of magic (fun fact: Prince Charles is a member!). At the society’s headquarters in London, they’ve also got their own museum. The museum includes an array of props and artefacts from magic history, including those used by Houdini and Robert Harbin. If you want to visit though, you’ll have to make an appointment in advance.

7. Musée de la Magie – Paris, France  

The Musée de la Magie lies in the cellars beneath the streets of Paris and in its depths, you’ll find all sorts of quirky props related to magic and illusion, such as magic mirrors, boxes that once were used to cut ladies in half, trick gadgets and more. When you’re done, be sure to head next door to the automata museum (Musée des Automates)!

8. Harry Potter Exhibition – Shanghai, China

Calling all muggles! The touring Harry Potter Exhibition is a must if you love this fictional world of magic and mayhem. Currently, it’s stationed at the Superbrand Mall in Shanghai. You’ll get to see settings, costumes, creatures and props from the movies, as well as play Quidditch, pull a mandrake root and even tour Hagrid’s hut!